How to debug Ruby rspec?

How to debug Ruby rspec?

rspec debugging is easy

  1. when starting your rspec test, run your spec with -d option: rspec -d
  2. alternatively you can run debugger on most commands including rake with rdebug: rdebug rake — spec.

How do I run a specific Rspec test?

RSpec can take a file name or directory name and run the file or the contents of the directory. So you can do: rspec spec/jobs to run the tests found in the jobs directory. rspec spec/jobs spec/services to run only tests found in the jobs and services directory.

How do I debug with pry?

Invoking pry debugging To invoke the debugger, place binding. pry somewhere in your code. When the Ruby interpreter hits that code, execution stops, and you can type in commands to debug the state of the program. When debugging code in another process like Puma or Sidekiq, you can use binding.

Where do I run Ruby code?

Run a script

  1. Press Ctrl twice to invoke the Run Anything popup.
  2. Type the ruby script. rb command and press Enter .
  3. (Optional) To run scratch files or scripts outside the project root, hold down the Alt key before running the command (in this case, the dialog title is changed to Run in Context).

How do I run all RSpec?

  1. Create a .rspec file in the root of your project.
  2. Add the path to where your specs are e.g. –default-path test/spec/
  3. Add the pattern of how your files are named e.g. –pattern ****/*.spec.
  4. Run rspec and it should pick all your specs and run them 🙂

How do I run a Ruby test?

Open the test file you want to run, then issue one of the following:

  1. cmd-ctrl-y – Run all the test files.
  2. cmd-ctrl-t – Run the current test file.
  3. cmd-ctrl-r – Run the test at the current line in test file.
  4. cmd-ctrl-e – Re-run the previous test (doesn’t need to have the test file active)

How do I debug a Ruby file?

To help deal with bugs, the standard distribution of Ruby includes a debugger. In order to start the Ruby debugger, load the debug library using the command-line option -r debug. The debugger stops before the first line of executable code and asks for the input of user commands.

How do you start a debug session in VS code?

Once you have your launch configuration set, start your debug session with F5. Alternatively you can run your configuration through the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P), by filtering on Debug: Select and Start Debugging or typing ‘debug ‘ , and selecting the configuration you want to debug.

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