How do you care for Crocea clams?

How do you care for Crocea clams?

Tridacna crocea are relatively hardy clams, and require intense lighting and good water flow in the home aquarium. Proper water chemistry is very important, and they will thrive when calcium levels of 380- 450 mg/L, alkalinity level of 8-11 dKH, and magnesium level of 1280-1350 ppm are maintained.

How big do squamosa clams get?

about 18 inches
Squamosa Clam Reaching about 18 inches maximum, this clam is known to be a bit less demanding than the other species in the lighting and flow department. Scutes, or scale/leaf like shelf growths on the outer side of the shell of Squamosas is the easiest way to identify them.

Where do you put squamosa clams?

squamosa is wild caught, start by putting it in the lower third of your tank. If the clam doesn’t open within a few days, move it into a spot with indirect lighting. If the lighting above your tank is good, place the clam at the bottom of your tank.

What do Crocea clams eat?

For more information about the feeding process of Crocea Clams see What Do Clams Eat. Diet Type: Omnivore – Nutrition is obtained through filter-feeding of phytoplankton, zooplankton and detritus along with lighting and the marine algae, zooxanthellae.

How much does a crocea clam cost in the wild?

The Crocea Clam usually costs anywhere from $30 to $100 dollars depending on your location. In general, there are several different species of Tridacna clams available. There is the Tridacna maxima clam which gets to be about 12 inches. The T. derasa which gets even bigger than the maxima.

What kind of shell does a crocea clam have?

The fleshy mantle of the Crocea Clam is usually blue, yet it can be a combination of rainbow colors as well as brown and gold. It will usually have iridescent blue, green or yellow lines or blotches on top of the main color. The shell can be grayish-white and at times will be tinted with orange, yellow or a pinkish-orange.

What should I Feed my crocea clam tank?

Tank Mates : Avoid crabs and any other predatory fish species that may nip at the clam mantle. Diet / Foods : They get most of their nutrients from photosynthesis (needs high output aquarium light) and they are filter feeders and will feed on ammonia and nitrate.

What’s the name of the boring type of clam?

Some specimens are so intensely colored and strongly patterned, that you will also find references to them in the aquarium industry under such names as Ultra Crocea, Ultra Grade Crocea, Super Crocea, and Electric Blue Crocea. The Crocea is a boring clam, burrowing into boulders and coral heads in the wild.

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