What are the parts of a stethoscope called?
A stethoscope has a chestpiece, diaphragm and/or bell, stem, tubing, headset, eartubes, and eartips. Let’s take a closer look at what each part does.
What are the 3 parts of stethoscope?
A typical stethoscope consists of three main parts namely; a headset, tubing and a chest piece. The chest-piece or head of the stethoscope is composed of the connected stem, diaphragm and/or bell. Some models of stethoscope have a one-sided chestpiece with a tunable diaphragm.
What are the two sides of a stethoscope used for?
II THE STETHOSCOPE The stethoscope has two different heads to receive sound, the bell and the diaphragm. The bell is used to detect low-frequency sounds; the diaphragm, high-frequency sounds.
How would you describe a stethoscope?
Stethoscope: An instrument that is used to transmit low-volume sounds such as a heartbeat (or intestinal, venous, or fetal sounds) to the ear of the listener. A stethoscope may consist of two ear pieces connected by means of flexible tubing to a diaphragm that is placed against the skin of the patient.
What is the main function of stethoscope?
A stethoscope can be used to listen to the sounds made by the heart, lungs or intestines, as well as blood flow in arteries and veins. In combination with a manual sphygmomanometer, it is commonly used when measuring blood pressure.
How does a stethoscope amplify sound?
But how does the stethoscope work? The disc and the tube of the stethoscope amplify small sounds such as the sound of a patient’s lungs, heart and other sounds inside the body, making them sound louder. The amplified sounds travel up the stethoscope’s tube to the earpieces that the doctor listens through.
What is the main purpose of a stethoscope?
The stethoscope is an instrument used for auscultation, or listening to sounds produced by the body. It is used primarily to listen to the lungs, heart, and intestinal tract. It is also used to listen to blood flow in peripheral vessels and the heart sounds of developing fetuses in pregnant women.
What is stethoscope in simple words?
A stethoscope is a instrument used by doctors and other medical people. It is used to measure peoples heartbeat and their breathing. It is placed on the area where the heart is or on the back. The modern stethoscope is made up of a Y-shaped flexible plastic tube.
What is the type and function of stethoscope?
The stethoscope is an acoustic medicaldevice for auscultation, or listening to the internal sounds of an animal or human body. It typically has a small disc-shaped resonator that is placed against the chest, and two tubes connected to earpieces. It is often used to listen to lung and heart sounds.
What are the different parts of a stethoscope?
It is also used when dealing with bandaged areas or the carotid area. The stem is the part that connects the chestpiece to the stethoscope tubing. It is usually made of metal or steel. On stethoscopes with two-sided chestpieces, it is also the part that allows the user to choose between the diaphragm and the bell.
What is the tunable part of a Littmann Stethoscope?
Littmann stethoscopes come with what is called a tunable diaphragm, which means that you can hear the low and high frequencies, and switch between the bell and the diaphragm by simply adjusting the amount of pressure you have on the chest piece. The stem is the metal tube part of the chest piece where the tubing connects to it.
Why is the bell part of a stethoscope important?
This part of a stethoscope helps EMT to respond to a larger portion of patients’ body by picking up higher frequency noises as compare to the chest piece half of the bell in case of emergency. The bell side is small as compared to the diaphragm side.
What should you know before buying a stethoscope?
Before buying your first Stethoscope, you must learn about the different parts that modern stethoscopes consist of. Knowing about the different stethoscope parts and features will help you to decide which model will best fit your needs and budget. So, let’s talk about the Stethoscope and it’s different parts.