Are there any strings that do not work in Lisp?

Are there any strings that do not work in Lisp?

Numeric comparison functions and operators, like, < and > do not work on strings. Common LISP provides other two sets of functions for comparing strings in your code. One set is case-sensitive and the other case-insensitive. The following table provides the functions −

What are the strings in the Common Lisp cookbook?

The Common Lisp Cookbook – Strings The Common Lisp Cookbook- Strings Contents Accessing Substrings Accessing Individual Characters Manipulating Parts of a String Concatenating Strings Processing a String One Character at a Time Reversing a String by Word or Character Controlling Case Trimming Blanks from the Ends of a String

How to calculate the length of a string in Lisp?

The length function calculates the length of a string. The subseq function returns a sub-string (as a string is also a sequence) starting at a particular index and continuing to a particular ending index or the end of the string. The char function allows accessing individual characters of a string.

What is the function replace all in Lisp?

Another function that can be frequently used (but not part of the ANSI standard) is replace-all. This function provides an easy functionality for search/replace operations on a string, by returning a new string in which all the occurences of the ‘part’ in string is replaced with ‘replacement'”.

Which is the best way to create a list in Lisp?

Although cons cells can be used to create lists, however, constructing a list out of nested cons function calls can’t be the best solution. The list function is rather used for creating lists in LISP. The list function can take any number of arguments and as it is a function, it evaluates its arguments.

How to concatenate a list of strings in Lisp?

To concatenate sequences to a string, use concatenate ‘string. To remove anything from the list that is not a string, use remove-if-not. If the argument is not a list, an error will be signaled by remove-if-not.

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