What is the difference between Ziehl-Neelsen and kinyoun stain?
The fundamental difference between the two carbolfuchsin-based methods is whether heat is used during the primary staining process. The Ziehl-Neelsen method uses heat to infuse the carbolfuchsin into the acid-fast cells, whereas the Kinyoun method does not use heat.
What is the advantage of the kinyoun staining procedure over the Ziehl-Neelsen method?
What is the advantage of the Kinyoun staining procedure over the Ziehl-Neelsen method? a complex lipid that is composed of fatty acids and fatty alcohols that have hydrocarbon chains up to 80 carbons in length. the application of heat to cells during staining with carbolfushcin and phenol is not without safety concern.
What is the primary stain in Ziehl-Neelsen and kinyoun method?
Specific mycobacterial stains are based on the ability of mycobacteria to retain certain dyes after washing with an acid-alcohol decolorizer (hence, “acid fast”), unlike most other bacteria. The primary stain in the Ziehl-Neelsen and Kinyoun stains is carbolfuchsin, staining mycobacteria red.
What is kinyoun stain used for?
Remel TB Kinyoun Carbolfuchsin stain is recommended for use in qualitative procedures to differentiate acid-fast bacteria from nonacid- fast bacteria and to detect Cryptosporidium oocysts in clinical specimens.
What are examples of acid-fast bacteria?
Acid-fast bacteria, also known as acid-fast bacilli or simply AFB, are a group of bacteria sharing the characteristic of acid fastness….These include:
- Bacterial endospores.
- Head of sperm.
- Cryptosporidium parvum.
- Isospora belli.
- Cyclospora cayetanensis.
- Taenia saginata eggs.
- Hydatid cysts.
- Sarcocystis.
What organisms are acid-fast positive?
Common acid-fast bacteria of medical importance include Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium leprae,Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex, and Nocardia species.
Why it is called acid fast staining?
Mycobacterium and many Nocardia species are called acid-fast because during an acid-fast staining procedure they retain the primary dye carbol fuchsin despite decolorization with the powerful solvent acid-alcohol. Nearly all other genera of bacteria are nonacid-fast.
What is the principle of Ziehl Neelsen staining?
PURPOSE: Used in the demonstration of acid-fast bacteria belonging to the genus ‘mycobacterium’, which include the causative agent for tuberculosis. PRINCIPLE: The lipoid capsule of the acid-fast organism takes up carbol- fuchsin and resists decolorization with a dilute acid rinse.
What stain is used to diagnose Mycobacterium species?
Two types of stains are used specifically for detection of mycobacteria: fluorochrome (recommended) and carbol fuchsin. In smears stained with carbol fuchsin, mycobacteria typically appear as red rods (1–10 μm long and 0.2–0.6 μm wide) and often are beaded or banded, but also may appear coccoid or filamentous.
What disease is caused by acid fast bacilli?
Acid-fast bacillus (AFB) is a type of bacteria that causes tuberculosis and certain other infections. Tuberculosis, commonly known as TB, is a serious bacterial infection that mainly affects the lungs. It can also affect other parts of the body, including the brain, spine, and kidneys.
How is Kinyoun stain different from Ziehl Neelsen stain?
Unlike the Ziehl-Neelsen stain (Z-N stain), the Kinyoun method of staining does not require heating. In the Ziehl-Neelsen stain, heat acts as a physical mordant while phenol (carbol of carbol fuschin) acts as the chemical mordant.
How is Ziehl Neelsen used to identify bacteria?
However, some bacterial groups require other methods to identify them. Techniques such as Ziehl-Neelsen staining require combinations of dyes with heat to fix the first to the cell wall. Then comes a decolorization process that allows two results: resistance or sensitivity to discoloration by acids and alcohols.
Can you use Ziehl Nielson to stain mycobacteria?
Allow to dry and observe slide with a light microscope. Ziehl Nielson can also be used to stain mycobacteria but uses heat while the Kinyoun method does not. The Kinyoun method can be modified as a weak acid fast stain, which uses 5% sulfuric acid instead of hydrochloric acid.
Why did Ziehl and Neelsen use differential coloration?
The name of this microbiology procedure refers to its authors: the bacteriologist Franz Ziehl and the pathologist Friedrich Neelsen. This technique is a type of differential coloration, which implies the use of different dyes in order to create contrast between the structures that we wish to observe, differentiate and later identify.