What is an interesting fact about stingrays?

What is an interesting fact about stingrays?

SOME STINGRAYS MOVE LIKE A WAVE, OTHERS LIKE A BIRD. Most stingrays swim through the ocean by undulating their bodies in a wave-like motion. Others will flap their sides up and down, giving them the appearance of “flying” through the ocean like a bird.

How many different species of stingrays are there?

There are about 220 known stingray species organized into ten families and 29 genera. Stingray species are progressively becoming threatened or vulnerable to extinction, particularly as the consequence of unregulated fishing. As of 2013, 45 species have been listed as vulnerable or endangered by the IUCN.

What are the characteristics of a stingray?

Unique Traits Their flattened bodies are composed of pectoral fins joined to their head and trunk with an infamous tail trailing behind. While the stingray’s eyes peer out from its dorsal side, its mouth, nostrils, and gill slits are situated on its underbelly.

What oceans do stingrays live in?

They are found in the Pacific and western Atlantic. Blue-spotted stingray (Dasyatis kuhlii). Stingrays inhabit warm temperate and tropical waters, sometimes in great abundance. They are bottom dwellers and often lie partially buried in the shallows.

Do stingrays have personality?

Behavior. Although stingrays have the power and the ability to be incredibly dangerous, they are not aggressive. In fact, many marine biologists consider them shy, docile creatures. When they sense predators coming their way, their first instinct is usually to swim in the other direction.

How can you tell how old a stingray is?

Age, growth and reproductive parameters of the common stingray, Dasyatis pastinaca, in the North Aegean Sea are reported. Age was estimated by counting the growth rings of thin sections of vertebral centra from 83 fish (83–114 cm total length, TL).

What happens if you get stung by a stingray?

If you accidentally step on a stingray, it may respond by thrusting its tail into your leg or foot. Venom and spine fragments can cause the wound to become infected. Stingray stings usually cause intense pain, nausea, weakness, and fainting. In rare cases, a person who is stung might have trouble breathing or even die.

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