What awarding body is BTEC?

What awarding body is BTEC?

Edexcel is a qualification brand for academic and generation qualifications from Pearson. Edexcel began as an awarding organisation following the merger of London Examinations and BTEC in 1996. Edexcel has helped thousands of people make progress in their lives, whether in the classroom or in the workplace.

WHO awards BTEC qualifications?

Pearson qualifications
BTEC Awards | Pearson qualifications.

Is BTEC Pearson?

About BTEC | Pearson qualifications.

What is a BTEC Level 5?

BTEC Higher Nationals are internationally-recognised higher education qualifications at level 4 and 5 that are equivalent to the first and second years of a university degree, providing progression to both university and employment.

What is BTEC equivalent to?

Btec Level 1 and 2 = equivalent to GCSEs. Btec Level 3 = equivalent to A-levels. Btec Level 4-5 = equivalent to 1st and 2nd year of an undergraduate degree.

What is A-level 3 BTEC equivalent to?

Btec Level 1 and 2 = equivalent to GCSEs. Btec Level 3 = equivalent to A-levels. Btec Level 4-5 = equivalent to 1st and 2nd year of an undergraduate degree.

What is a BTEC Level 6 equivalent to?

Undergraduate Degree
Level 6 BTECs are the equivalent of an Undergraduate Degree, and are often taught in universities, whilst level 7 BTECs are the equivalent of a Master’s Degree. These are often taken by senior managers and people who have developed a very good knowledge of the field they are working in.

What is a BTEC Level 4?

Are BTEC qualifications any good?

If you’re ready to decide your career direction, prefer practical learning to lots of theory and do better in continual assessment than exams, then a BTEC could be a good fit for you. However, if you want to keep your options for careers and/or university study as open as possible, A levels may be the best bet.

What can I do with a BTEC Level 3 Award?

The Pearson BTEC Level 3 Award in Education and Training will improve your candidature for a number of jobs in the education and learning sector. You can use this Level 3 Award to study further in this subject or demand for a salary increment or job promotion from your employer.

Which is the best BTEC for Education and training?

BTEC courses are of the highest quality, providing hands-on experience. You can develop invaluable skills that will make you a highly marketable candidate for your future career. The Pearson BTEC Level 3 Award in Education and Training will improve your candidature for a number of jobs in the education and learning sector.

What do you need to know about Pearson BTEC?

Pearson BTEC is a leading, learning company worldwide. Pearson believes that learning is key to improving one’s opportunities in life. Pearson collaborates with leading educational organisations to offer learners content, curricula, assessment and training.

What kind of job can you get with BTEC?

BTEC Specialist qualifications are work-related qualifications available from Entry to Level 3 in a range of sectors. They give learners the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to prepare for employment in a specific occupational area. The qualifications also provide career development opportunities for those already in work.

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