What does TCP port 139 do?

What does TCP port 139 do?

Port 139 is used for File and Printer Sharing but happens to be the single most dangerous Port on the Internet. This is so because it leaves the hard disk of a user exposed to hackers.

What is NetBIOS 139?

Description. Port 139 is utilized by NetBIOS Session service. Enabling NetBIOS services provide access to shared resources like files and printers not only to your network computers but also to anyone across the internet.

What are ports 137 and 138 used for?

Ports 137, 138, and 139 are used by NetBIOS, which does not support IPv6. CIFS is required for Windows file service. You can disable CIFS by issuing the cifs terminate command on your storage system console.

Is port 139 UDP or TCP?

Port 139 Details

Port(s) Protocol Service
139 tcp,udp netbios-ss
139 tcp,udp
139 tcp trojan
139 tcp Chode

What does port 139 do in a network?

TCP Port 139. Use our free Digital Footprint and Firewall Test to help verify you are not infected. Side note: TCP port 139 uses the Transmission Control Protocol. TCP is one of the main protocols in TCP/IP networks. Whereas the IP protocol deals only with packets, TCP enables two hosts to establish a connection and exchange streams of data.

Is there a Trojan virus on port 139?

Virus / Trojan: Yes, Caution! Use our free Digital Footprint and Firewall Test to help verify you are not infected. Side note: TCP port 139 uses the Transmission Control Protocol. TCP is one of the main protocols in TCP/IP networks. Whereas the IP protocol deals only with packets, TCP enables two hosts to establish…

What’s the difference between port 139 and port 445?

Port 139 is used by SMB dialects that communicate over NetBIOS. It’s a transport layer protocol designed to use in Windows operating systems over a network. Port 445 is used by newer versions of SMB (after Windows 2000) on top of a TCP stack, allowing SMB to communicate over the Internet.

Which is most vulnerable port 135 or 139?

Because port series from 135 to 139 are most vulnerable therefore administrator can block either whole series or a specific port. Select Inbound Rules and click on New Rule. The select radio button for the port which will create a new rule that controls connections for a TCP or UDP port.

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