What is the difference between LPG and condensate?
Propane is used in home heating and cooking. Butane is used as a gasoline additive as an oxygenate to reduce pollution. If not sold separately, the fractionates can be mixed together to form ‘liquified petroleum gases’, or LPG. Condensate refers to a specific portion of the ‘Natural Gas Liquids’.
What is an example of BEC?
A BEC ( Bose – Einstein condensate ) is a state of matter of a dilute gas of bosons cooled to temperatures very close to absolute zero is called BEC. Examples – Superconductors and superfluids are the two examples of BEC.
Where is condensate from?
Condensate comes from an oil well as so called associate gas (wet gas) and is also refereed at certain stages as lease condensate. In an oil formation condensate can exist as dissolved in oil/connate water gas or as a separate phase.
Is LPG an NGL?
Propane and butane are the Big Kahunas of the LPG market. They are also classified as NGLs.
What is BEC in simple words?
BEC stands for Bose-Einstein Condensate which is defined as the state of matter of a dilute gas of bosons that is cooled to temperatures very close to absolute zero. Bose-Einstein condensate refers to the breakdown of atoms into a single quantum state.
How does BEC look like?
It looks like a dense little lump in the bottom of the magnetic trap/bowl; kind of like a drop of water condensing out of damp air onto a cold bowl. When it first forms, though, the condensate is still surrounded by the normal gas atoms, so it looks a bit like a pit inside a cherry.
How is condensate produced?
They occur as vapor in natural gas and can be dissolved in crude oil or occur separately in oil reservoirs. Condensates form when their vapor pressure is lowered to the point that the natural gas liquids condense out of the gas stream into a liquid that can be stored at room temperature.
What Colour is condensate?
The condensate colour can be water-white or dark. Dark condensates usually have relatively high specific gravity and are associated with high dew point gases.
Who was the leader of the Indonesian Air Force?
Nurjadin commanded MiG-21 squadrons in 1962–65 and founded an acrobatic team in 1962 that flew the MiG-17 F/PF Fresco over some cities in Indonesia. Small numbers of Indonesian Air Force pilots gained their reputation as aces in this era.
Who is the founder of Indonesia AirAsia?
As Awair. The airline was established as Awair (Air Wagon International) in 1999 by Abdurrahman Wahid, chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama. It is the largest Muslim organisation in Indonesia. He had a 40% stake in the airline which he relinquished after being elected president of Indonesia in late October 1999.
Why was Indonesia AirAsia banned from the EU?
Until July 2010, Indonesia Air Asia, along with many Indonesian airlines, was banned from flying to the EU due to safety concerns. However, the ban was lifted in July 2010. Indonesia AirAsia is listed in category 1 by the Indonesian Civil Aviation Authority for airline safety quality.
When did Indonesia take over the Dutch Air Force?
Following the 1949 Round Table Conference, sovereignty was officially transferred to the United States of Indonesia. The Dutch armed forces left (but remained in West Papua until 1963) and the aeroplanes were handed over to the Indonesians.