What do you need to know about whole brain teaching?

What do you need to know about whole brain teaching?

Whole brain teaching is an instructional approach that is gaining momentum through the integration of social-emotional learning into a highly energetic, authentically engaged learning process. There is a basic lesson structure that each learning moment follows, giving students ownership of their learning through mimicry.

How many whole brain conferences has Chris done?

In the last 10 years, Chris has established himself as nationally recognized authority on teaching challenging students; he has been lead presenter at over 50 Whole Brain Teaching conferences, attended by 5,000+ educators.

Why do you need a WBT lesson plan?

Being prepared helps keep the lesson moving forward and keeps the energy high- you see lots and lots of smiles when you use this plan! Here’s the basic setup of the WBT Lesson Plan:

How are chunks used in whole brain teaching?

Breaking your lesson into Lesson Chunks means you only present one new point at a time. When combined with the next step in the cycle, you ensure students understand this one new point before moving on to the next. Employ Collaborative Learning (Teach Ok) as students teach their neighbor your lesson using gestures.

How is collaborative learning used in whole brain teaching?

Employ Collaborative Learning (Teach Ok) as students teach their neighbor your lesson using gestures. You will move through the classroom during this, assessing if your pupils are ready for a new lesson chunk or need to review.

How are gestures used in the whole brain teaching?

Using memory gestures for concepts powerfully engages a student’s motor and visual cortices, thus helping to build stronger memories. Each bullet point is taught with gestures. For example, when you say “fraction” hold one fist on top of the other.

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