What is PSG for OSA?

What is PSG for OSA?

Traditionally, polysomnography (PSG) in an attended setting (sleep laboratory) has been used as a reference standard for the diagnosis of OSA. Polysomnography measures several sleep variables, one of which is the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) or respiratory disturbance index (RDI).

How does OSA appear on the PSG?

The following PSG findings are characteristic of OSA: Apneic episodes occur in the presence of respiratory muscle effort. Apneic episodes lasting 10 seconds or longer are considered clinically significant. Apneic episodes are most prevalent during REM sleep.

What does OSA stand for?

Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the muscles that support the soft tissues in your throat, such as your tongue and soft palate, temporarily relax. When these muscles relax, your airway is narrowed or closed, and breathing is momentarily cut off.

Which is better for OSA, PSG or HST?

Home Sleep Testing (HST) addresses many of the disadvantages of PSG testing. In 2009 the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (the foremost clinical group for health issues related to sleep) approved the usage of portable sleep testing for diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and other forms of sleep disorder breathing.

What are the PSG findings characteristic of OSA?

PSG findings characteristic of OSA. The apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) is derived from the total number of apneas and hypopneas divided by the total sleep time. A normal cutoff for AHI has never been defined in an epidemiological study of healthy people. Most sleep centers use a cutoff of 5-10 episodes per hour.

How is the PSG used to diagnose sleep apnea?

The PSG also records REM and nonREM sleep for REM-related sleep disorders, body position (supine and off supine), and variability in muscle tone that corresponds to the different stages of sleep ( Figure 2, Table 3 ). Polysomnogram excerpts with normal sleep, obstructive apnea, obstructive hypopnea]

Can a polysomnogram be used to diagnose OSA?

The polysomnogram or home sleep apnea test results aid in the diagnosis of OSA and its severity. OSA is characterized by repeated episodes of complete or partial obstruction of the airway during sleep.

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