How do you serve rainwater in Madeira?

How do you serve rainwater in Madeira?

Sandeman Madeira Rainwater is ready for drinking. Serve slightly chilled, between 6°C-10°C. Once open, it can remain fresh for many months. The character of Sandeman Madeira Rainwater makes it a perfect match for many appetizers, such as soups, bisques, foie-gras or paté.

Is Rainwater Madeira dry?

The added rainfall and cooler temperatures produce lighter, more refreshing wine styles that are higher in natural acidity. As a very general rule, Madeira Rainwater is a light, medium-dry, Madeira made from young wine (three to five years old), often destined for the US market.

How is Rainwater Madeira made?

Rainwater Madeira is usually made with Tinta Negra Mole grapes, and is fresh-tasting and medium dry. Like its Spanish cousin sherry, much of Rainwater Madeira’s modern-day resurgence stems from its use in craft cocktails.

Is Madeira wine drinkable?

Buying Madeira, then, has its difficulties, so it’s best to zero in on how you might be drinking the wines, as an apéritif, with certain foods, with cheese or as an after dinner drink like Port or Cognac.

How long will Madeira last once opened?

about 3 years
MADEIRA – OPENED BOTTLE An opened bottle of Madeira will usually maintain best quality for about 3 years, although it will stay safe indefinitely if properly stored; fine Madeira can retain top quality for many years, even after opening.

What is a good Madeira wine?

Best five Madeira to drink now

  • Boal 1980. D’Oliveiras. Glorious, abundant nose of buttery caramel, dried figs and hazelnut nougat.
  • Malvazia 2000. D’Oliveiras.
  • Malmsey 1981. Blandy’s.
  • Tinta Negra 1997. D’Oliveiras.
  • Colheita Verdelho 2008. Blandy’s.

Why is Madeira wine expensive?

For all its relative obscurity, Madeira is dominating the list of most expensive wines – mostly because of its incredible ability to age. Some of these dated back to the 18th Century, which was the golden age of Madeira – the founding fathers toasted with Madeira after signing the Declaration of Independence.

When should I drink Madeira wine?

When to Drink Madeira: Dry styles of Madeira (such as Sercial and Verdelho) are served chilled with starter courses, and sweeter styles as after-dinner-sippers like a fine Cognac.

What is the shelf life of Madeira wine?

An opened bottle of Madeira will usually maintain best quality for about 3 years, although it will stay safe indefinitely if properly stored; fine Madeira can retain top quality for many years, even after opening.

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