Should you include languages on resume?
If you know another language, you should always include it on your resume as it indicates to a recruiter that you’ve invested in yourself. It can also qualify you for a multitude of positions that require someone who’s bilingual or multi-lingual.
What counts as proficient in a language?
Proficient The word, proficient, means a well advanced skill level. In terms of language, the proficient label can refer to someone who is very skilled in the use of a language but who uses the language less easily and at a less-advanced level than a native or fluent speaker.
What makes an employee difficult?
THE WELL-BEHAVING WORKPLACE. Problematic employee behavior is doubly difficult because it may have multiple causes not easily discerned. The causes may be work or home related, behavior- or health-related, may be triggered by other employees or outsiders, by changes of work, others’ promotion, rising stress levels, etc …