Is Imants Tillers still alive?

Is Imants Tillers still alive?

Born 1950, Sydney, New South Wales. Lives and works Cooma, New South Wales.

Where was Imants Tillers born?

Sydney, Australia
Imants Tillers/Place of birth

Where does Imants Tillers work?

New South Wales
Born in Sydney in 1950, Imants Tillers currently lives and works in Cooma, New South Wales.

Is Imants Tillers Aboriginal?

In the 1980s Tillers was one of the first artists to engage with Aboriginal art as a contemporary genre (sometimes controversially) and his most recent work considers the unexpected resonances between Aboriginal art and European metaphysical painters such as Giorgio de Chirico.

Who is Imants Tillers and what do they do?

IMANTS TILLERS Imants Tillers (b. 1950) is a contemporary artist, writer and curator based in Australia. This online archive documents Tillers’ canvasboard paintings, exhibition history, biography, and bibliography, and offers news updates and contact details.

Where does Imants Tillers live in Cooma NSW?

He lives and works in Cooma, New South Wales. Imants Tillers was born in Sydney in 1950, the eldest child of Latvian immigrants. In 1973 he graduated from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Science in Architecture (Hons), and the University Medal.

When did Imants Tillers paint heart of wood?

Tillers’ Heart of the wood and I am the door, both painted in 1985, drew directly on the work of contemporary German artists Anselm Kiefer and Sigmar Polke respectively.

When did Imants Tillers represent Australia at the Venice Biennale?

By the time Imants Tillers was selected to represent Australia at the 42nd Venice Biennale in 1986, his work had received considerable national and international recognition. Betty Churcher, then chair of the Visual Arts Board of the Australia Council, wrote in the Biennale catalogue:

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