How do you put your own business experience on a resume?

How do you put your own business experience on a resume?

Summarize your self-employment history Using the same format as the rest of the work experience section, include your company name, your role and your dates of work. If you do not have a legal business name, consider listing your role and indicating whether you work as a freelancer or a contractor.

Should I put self employed on resume?

The short answer is yes! You can — and should — add self-employment experience to your resume! Self-employment and other forms of freelance work are great additions to your resume, especially for anyone who’s dealing with employment gaps in their work history.

What do small business owners do?

Small business owners are responsible for sales revenue and the marketing to drive sales. Many owners, especially in the early years, also go on sales calls and help close sales. Owners may get involved in marketing, including establishing campaigns, placing ads, doing email marketing and social media marketing.

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