What is the purpose of the electrodeposition step in stripping analysis?

What is the purpose of the electrodeposition step in stripping analysis?

The purpose of the electrodeposition step in stripping analysis is to concentrate the analyte on the surface of the working electrode.

What is ASV in chemistry?

Anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) is the most common of a class of techniques known as stripping electroanalytical methods (SEAM). The defining characteristic of these methods is the preconcentration of analyte at the electrode surface in order to lower the detection limit for that analyte.

What is mercury film electrode?

Constant concentration of Hg(II) in the electrolyzer is ensured by dissolution of an anode from silver paste amalgam. One of possible ways of chemical modification of amalgam electrodes is their covering with a liquid mercury film.

What is reversible oxidation?

Strictly speaking, oxidation is a reversible process. However, there is no guarantee that the shape of the material after reduction will remain the same as it was before oxidation. For example, the oxidation of MoS2 leads to the formation of volatile molybdenum oxides.

Can you reverse oxidation?

Light-to-moderate oxidation can be removed with polishing compounds, while heavy oxidation requires a rubbing compound. Apply the compound gently to a small area, work it into the paint and remove it quickly, repeating until all signs of oxidation are gone.

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