What happens if you have an abnormal Pap smear while pregnant?

What happens if you have an abnormal Pap smear while pregnant?

If your Pap smear results are abnormal, a colposcopy could be performed during your pregnancy. However, further treatment will probably be delayed until after your baby is born. Frequently, the birth of your baby will wash away any abnormal cervical cells. Having an abnormal Pap smear does not pose a risk to your baby.

Can being pregnant cause abnormal Pap smear?

In fact, pregnancy can cause you to have an abnormal Pap test and does not pose a risk to your baby. Aside from the colposcopy, your OB will likely not do anything at all about an abnormal Pap test until after the baby is born.

Can low grade HPV affect pregnancy?

Women who have HPV during pregnancy may worry that the HPV virus can harm their unborn child, but in most cases, it won’t affect the developing baby. Nor does HPV infection — which can manifest itself as genital warts or abnormal Pap smears — usually change the way a woman is cared for during pregnancy.

Can you get a Colpo While pregnant?

you’re pregnant – a colposcopy is safe during pregnancy, but a biopsy (removing a tissue sample) and any treatment will usually be delayed until a few months after giving birth. you want the procedure to be done by a female doctor or nurse.

Can you have a baby if you have HPV?

It’s not likely. Women who have or have had HPV — the human papilloma virus — have successful pregnancies and their babies are not harmed by their HPV infections. HPV is a very common sexually transmitted infection that affects millions of women and men around the world.

Can a gyno tell if you are pregnant during a Pap?

Pap smears cannot detect early pregnancy. The only way to detect an early pregnancy is by measuring your beta-human chorionic gonadotropic (or bHCG for short) hormone. Pap smears on the other hand detect abnormal cells in your cervix.

How common is LSIL Pap?

Researchers now know that 90% of Pap smears with results that are classified as LSIL and 70% of Pap smears that are HSIL will become normal once your body’s defense system has cleared the HPV virus.

Can HPV positive affect pregnancy?

Will this affect my baby? It’s not likely. Women who have or have had HPV — the human papilloma virus — have successful pregnancies and their babies are not harmed by their HPV infections. HPV is a very common sexually transmitted infection that affects millions of women and men around the world.

Can low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions get pregnant?

Whether you need treatment before trying to fall pregnant depends on the cell change severity. Women with low-grade abnormalities who are up to date with their Pap smears are fine to go ahead and conceive. Women with high-grade abnormalities should talk through their options with their doctor first.

Does Lsil affect fertility?

Treatment does not affect your fertility. If possible, check with your doctor or specialist before becoming pregnant to make sure you are up to date with your screenings.

Has anyone had HPV while pregnant?

You may pass HPV to your unborn baby during pregnancy or delivery, but it’s unlikely. Studies have differed on the rate of HPV transmission from mother to baby. In a 2016 study, researchers found that about 11 percent of newborns born to HPV-positive mothers also had the virus.

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