Where are puppet master certificates stored?

Where are puppet master certificates stored?

During the master and agent exchange, the CA is stored in the /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/signed directory on the master and in the /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs directory on the agent.

How do you regenerate puppet master certificate?

Step 1: Clear and regenerate certs on your primary Puppet server

  1. Back up the SSL directory, which is in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ .
  2. Stop the agent service:
  3. Stop the primary server service.
  4. Delete the SSL directory:
  5. Regenerate the CA and primary server’s cert:
  6. Start the primary server service by running:

How do you clean puppet certificates?

How to clean the local certificates in a puppet node

  1. find /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ -type f -name “$(hostname –fqdn).pem” -delete.
  2. sudo rm -fr /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/*
  3. puppet cert list –all.
  4. puppet cert clean $fqdn_of_the_node.

How do you run puppet commands?

Run Puppet on a node group

  1. Log into your primary server or client tools workstation.
  2. Run the command: puppet job run –node-group Tip: Use the /v1/groups endpoint to retrieve a list node groups and their IDs.

How do I get a certificate for puppet?

Note: If puppet is not in your path, you will need to supply the full path to puppet in the commands below. When Puppet agent servers come online, if everything is properly configured, they will present a certificate signing request to the Puppet master. These requests can be reviewed with the puppet cert list command.

What is the core command of puppet apply?

Puppet apply Puppet apply is a core command that manages systems without contacting a Puppet primary server. Using Puppet modules and various other data sources, it compiles its own configuration catalog, and then immediately applies the catalog. For more information, see:

What happens when you revoke a certificate in puppet?

After revoking a certificate, you must restart the Puppet master for the revocation to take effect. The next time puppet agent runs on the agent node, it will send a new certificate signing request to the Puppet master, which can be signed with puppet cert sign. You can trigger the request immediately with:

Why is there no plus sign in puppet?

The absence of a plus sign ( +) indicates these certificates have not been signed yet. If there are no unsigned requests, you will be returned to the command prompt with no output. To sign a single certificate request, use the puppet cert sign command, with one or more hostnames as displayed in the certificate request.

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