How would you describe a bad experience?

How would you describe a bad experience?

“People who have had that sort of bad experience are reluctant to return and warn off their friends and acquaintances as well.”…What is another word for bad experience?disappointmentmisfortuneannoyancebummerdownerirritationbad tripunfortunate occurrencetragedyblow143

What is a difficult experience?

(figuratively) A very difficult or unpleasant task or experience. murder. hell. agony. misery.

What is unpleasant experience?

Something unpleasant is disagreeable, painful, or annoying in some way. No one likes unpleasant experiences. Since pleasant things are enjoyable in some way, unpleasant things are hard to enjoy. Being in pain is unpleasant.

What is the word for a difficult situation?

botched situation. diffict situation. jumble. crunch. between a rock and a hard place.

What is a life changing experience called?

An experience which changes one’s views about life. epiphany. eye-opener. life-altering experience. revelation.

What is a fancy word for SAD?

1 unhappy, despondent, disconsolate, discouraged, gloomy, downcast, downhearted, depressed, dejected, melancholy.

What is another name for situation?

In this page you can discover 64 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for situation, like: condition, state of one’s affairs, predicamental, circumstance, sphere, state, job, status, location, place and locus.

What is the word situation?

noun. manner of being situated; location or position with reference to environment: The situation of the house allowed for a beautiful view. a place or locality. condition; case; plight: He is in a desperate situation. the state of affairs; combination of circumstances: The present international situation is dangerous.

What are the examples of situation?

Situation is the way something is positioned as compared to its surroundings, or the status of the circumstances, or the combination of circumstances at a specific point in time. An example of situation is a house down the street from a big tree. An example of situation is having to decide between two jobs.

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