What does the Latin word Tempor mean?

What does the Latin word Tempor mean?

These ROOT-WORDS are TEMPO & TEMPOR which mean TIME. It comes from the Latin tempus & temporis. Do not confuse this Root with one which is spelled temper.

What is the root word for Tempor?

Quick Summary. The Latin root temp means “time.” This Latin root is the word origin of a fair number of English vocabulary words, including contemporary, temporary, and the Latin phrase tempus fugit.

What is Nunc Latin?

-nunc-, root. -nunc- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “call; say. ” It is related to -nounce-. This meaning is found in such words as: annunciation, denunciation, enunciate, nuncio, pronunciation, renunciation.

What case is tempore in Latin?

The word is Latin, being the ablative singular of the noun tempus, temporis, “time”, thus meaning “in the time (of)”. It should be followed by a name in the genitive case. The theoretical full form might be vixit tempore Regis Henrici Primi (“he/she lived in the time of King Henry the First”) (i.e. 1100-1135).

What declension is hora?

First-declension noun….Declension.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative hōra hōrae
Genitive hōrae hōrārum
Dative hōrae hōrīs
Accusative hōram hōrās

What does tempore mean in Latin?

Similarly, In tempore, is a Latin phrase meaning “in time”. It is usually used as a legal term. For example, Prior in tempore, potior in iure means “First in time, greater in right” , meaning the law favors those who establish their rights sooner rather than later, as in filing a patent.

What does tempore mean?

Tempore (abbreviated to temp. ), in historical literature, denotes a period during which a person whose exact lifespan is unknown was known to have been alive or active, or some other date which is not exactly known, usually given as the reign of a monarch. The word is Latin, being the ablative singular of the noun tempus, temporis, “time”,…

What does pro tempore mean in Latin?

Pro tempore is a Latin phrase which means ‘for the time being’ in English. This phrase is often used to describe a person who acts as placeholder in the absence of a superior. For example, Judge Pro Tempore.

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