What is schilders disease?

What is schilders disease?

Schilder’s disease is a very rare, progressive, degenerative, demyelinating disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) that usually begins in childhood and young adulthood. Schilder’s disease is thought to be a variant of MS.

What is Balo concentric sclerosis?

The alternative names for Balo Disease, concentric sclerosis or Balo concentric sclerosis, refer to the fact that Balo Disease is characterized by bands of intact myelin (the sheath of fatty substances surrounding nerve fibers), alternating with rings of loss of myelin (demyelination), in various parts of the brain and …

What is a rare form of MS?

Tumefactive multiple sclerosis is a rare form of multiple sclerosis (MS) with symptoms similar to those of a brain tumor.

What is Marburg Variant MS?

The Marburg variant of multiple sclerosis [Marburg MS (1)] which accounts for <4% of the total incidence of MS cases mostly affects children and young adults (2). It is a fulminant form of MS, featuring an acute onset of severe neurological deficits often resulting in death within weeks to months (3).

What is Devic?

Neuromyelitis optica, also called NMO or Devic’s disease, is a rare yet severe demyelinating autoimmune inflammatory process affecting the central nervous system. It specifically affects the myelin, which is the insulation around the nerves.

What kind of disease is Schilder’s disease?

Schilder’s Disease. Share. Overview. Schilder’s disease is a very rare, progressive, degenerative, demyelinating disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) that usually begins in childhood and young adulthood (mostly males between the ages of 7 and 12). Schilder’s disease is thought to be a variant of MS.

What is the treatment for Schilder’s disease?

Treatment for the disorder follows the established standards in multiple sclerosis and includes corticosteroids, beta-interferon or immunosuppressive therapy, and symptomatic treatment. Schilder’s disease is a rare progressive demyelinating disorder which usually begins in childhood.

How is the myelin damaged in Schilder’s disease?

When the myelin is damaged, signals can’t move the way they should. Schilder’s disease is thought to be a form of multiple sclerosis. With MS, the immune system attacks the myelin, hurting it and the nerves it protects. Schilder’s disease has several other names. It’s also known as:

How old do you have to be to have Schilder’s disease?

Schilder’s disease is a very rare, progressive, degenerative, demyelinating disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) that usually begins in childhood and young adulthood (mostly males between the ages of 7 and 12). Schilder’s disease is thought to be a variant of MS.

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