How long can I drive with a rear axle seal leak?

How long can I drive with a rear axle seal leak?

If the leak is small and you can’t make it to an appointment for a few days, it is okay to drive your vehicle as long as you keep the transmission fluid full. Do not push it too far though, as ruining your transmission is an expensive repair.

How do you know if you put too much transmission fluid in your car?

Known as hard shifting, this sudden shift of gears can be hard on your transmission. Hard shifting can increase the impact between the gears and cause excessive wear. If you continue to drive your vehicle with too much transmission fluid, you may start to hear grinding noises whenever you change gears.

Is it better to flush or drain transmission fluid?

With a flush, all old fluid is removed with a flush machine and then new fluid is added, allowing the transmission to perform at its best. In any case, choosing a fluid flush or a drain and refill is better than not performing any kind of maintenance on your transmission.

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