What can go wrong with radiofrequency ablation?

What can go wrong with radiofrequency ablation?

Radiofrequency ablation procedure-related risks. Damage to surrounding blood vessels and nerves during needle insertion resulting in excessive bleeding and/or irreversible neurologic damage causing long-term numbness and tingling. Heat damage to structures adjacent to the target nerve.

What are the side effects of a liver ablation?

Possible side effects after ablation therapy include abdominal pain, infection in the liver, fever and abnormal liver tests. Serious complications are uncommon, but they are possible. Newer ablation techniques in liver cancer are also being studied.

Can RFA cure liver cancer?

Radiofrequency and microwave ablation can be an effective treatment for primary liver cancer and for cancers that have spread to the liver in select patients whose liver tumors are unsuitable for surgical resection. In most studies, more than half of the liver tumors treated by ablation have not recurred.

What is RFA liver?

Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is an exciting approach to destroying inoperable primary or metastatic tumors in the liver. With ultrasound guidance, we insert a probe through the liver tissue into the tumor. This probe delivers high frequency alternating electrical current precisely at the site of the tumor.

Can a person with mono affect their liver?

It can even affect a person’s liver, typically through hepatitis or jaundice. If someone believes they may have mono, it is therefore important to seek medical help and treatment to avoid other complications such as these. In a majority of the cases, the patient recovers within a couple of weeks.

What are the side effects of mononucleosis?

Anemia, a ruptured spleen, and liver problems are all complications that can result from mononucleosis.

Who is at risk for complications from Mono?

People who have impaired immune systems, including people with serious illnesses (like HIV/AIDS) that weaken the immune system or people taking drugs that suppress immunity (like after an organ transplant), are generally at a higher risk of developing complications from mono.

How are liver enzymes affected by mononucleosis?

Altered Liver Enzymes. Mononucleosis also results in the altered level of liver enzymes in the blood. Most of the patients suffering from mononucleosis have elevated liver enzymes. The substances with elevated level include aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, and gamma-glutamyl transferase.

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