Why was the water a liquid in the bag even though it evaporated out of the leaf?

Why was the water a liquid in the bag even though it evaporated out of the leaf?

Plants also participate in this activity, in that they are always evaporating water from their leaves into the air, an invisible process. The inside of this bag is full of saturated air, so much so that some of the water has already condensed into liquid water. A significant amount is seen in the bottom of the bag.

How do you make plastic bag water?

To make it, place a clean rock in the bottom of a gallon-size or larger clear plastic bag. Place the bag over a live, non-poisonous tree or shrub branch (use the leafiest branch you can reach) that’s in sunlight all day, and tie it off tight with string or a rubber band.

Why do people put bags of water on trees?

A useful purpose. Believe it or not, these bags are an insect repellent. “The fly bases his movement by light and the refracted light coming through the water in the plastic bag confuses the fly causing him to move on to a place that is easier on the eyes,” the TFB website states.

What does a plastic bag tied to a tree mean?

Members of at least two Peace Region social media groups set up to share information about missing dogs believe the bags are markers for an alleged ring of dog thieves. Anna MacNeil-Allock, founder of the online group Stolen Dogs 911, is concerned that thieves are tying bags to trees to mark homes with dogs.

What happens if you drop water onto the plastic bag?

When water molecules in the air get cold, they slow down, join together, and become tiny drops of liquid water. This process is called condensation. Not much air touches the cup in the bag so not much moisture can form on it.

What happens to the water when it condenses?

Condensation is the process where water vapor becomes liquid. It is the reverse of evaporation, where liquid water becomes a vapor. Condensation happens one of two ways: Either the air is cooled to its dew point or it becomes so saturated with water vapor that it cannot hold any more water.

Does water evaporate in a plastic bag?

That water turns into a gas through the process called evaporation. In nature, evaporated water vapor goes into the atmosphere, but in our bag, it has nowhere to go, so it ends up sticking to the sides of the bag, turning back into a liquid as condensation.

What is a transpiration bag?

“Transpiration” is the process by which moisture is carried through plants, from the roots to small pores on the underside of the leaves called stomata (and lenticles in the stem) where it changes to vapor and is released into the atmosphere (this is NOT “photosynthesis”!!!). …

Does a plastic bag with water keep flies away?

The best explanation is simple light refraction going through the bag of water that confuses the housefly. The fly bases his movement by light and the refracted light coming through the water in the plastic bag confuses the fly causing him to move on to a place that is easier on the eyes.

Does hanging a plastic bag of water keep flies away?

The most common is that the flies’ complex eyes are overwhelmed by the refracted light produced by the bags, and so they fly away. So far, we can verify that while some people swear by them, there’s no scientific evidence that hanging plastic bags filled with water will repel insects.

What are the blue bags hanging on trees?

Bright blue plastic bags hang on silver maple trees along James Street in Ely, Wednesday morning. The bags are used to collect sap during the spring. Forty gallons of sap can be boiled down to produce about one gallon of maple syrup.

What are the bags hanging from trees?

Bagworm caterpillars make distinctive 1.5 to 2 inch long spindle-shaped bags that can be seen hanging from twigs of a variety of trees and shrubs.

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