How do I request a certificate in Exchange 2010?

How do I request a certificate in Exchange 2010?

How to Generate a CSR for Microsoft Exchange 2010

  1. Launch Exchange.
  2. Navigate to “New Exchange Certificate”
  3. Enter a Friendly Name.
  4. Indicate if certificate is Wildcard.
  5. Specify Domain Names.
  6. Enter in the CSR Details.
  7. Save the CSR.
  8. Generate the Order.

How do I update a certificate in Exchange 2010?

Exchange 2010 SSL Certificate Renewal

  1. Open Start then go to Programs > Microsoft Exchange 2010 > Exchange Management Console.
  2. Click Manage Databases.
  3. On the Right side, click ‘Renew Exchange Certificate…’
  4. Click browse and select a folder to save the CSR file e.g. your_domain_cer.
  5. Click through to finish.

Where can I find Autodiscover certificate?

Find correct autodiscover record in HostPilot® Control Panel > Home > Exchange Servers & Settings. Verify resolves to the same value globally (e.g. via MXToolBox website). If you have the website running on, check your website has appropriate certificates installed.

How do you fix the name on the security certificate is invalid?

To resolve this issue, you may have to change your Autodiscover DNS records (internal, external, or both)….Replace the existing A record by using an SRV record that points to a namespace that is already in the SAN of the SSL certificate

  1. Service: _autodiscover.
  2. Protocol: _tcp.
  3. Port: 443.
  4. Host: URL for redirection.

How do I find my Exchange 2010 certificate?

Using Exchange Management Console

  1. Open Exchange Management Console.
  2. Expand Microsoft Exchange On-Premises.
  3. Click on Server Configuration (Figure 01) and when you click on a server on the right hand side, the Exchange Certificates tab will show up in the frame below.

How do I check my CSR?

Check the CSR, Private Key or Certificate using OpenSSL

  1. Check a CSR openssl req -text -noout -verify -in CSR.csr.
  2. Check a private key openssl rsa -in privateKey.key -check.
  3. Check a certificate openssl x509 -in certificate.crt -text -noout.
  4. Check a PKCS#12 file (.pfx or .p12) openssl pkcs12 -info -in keyStore.p12.

How do I know if my Exchange 2010 certificate has expired?


  1. Visit the site with a browser, and click the lock and hit view certificate. You can see the certificates date range.
  2. In the powershell “Get-ExchangeCertificate |fl” will list the certificates for the local machine, and you can view details like expiration date from here.

What does invalid certificate mean in Outlook?

This hard to understand error means the security certificate your email server is using has expired or is invalid for other reasons. You can’t hide the warning or turn it off, but in all likelihood, it’s safe to OK it and connect to your mail server.

What SSL certificate do I need for Exchange 2010?

SAN certificate
Instead, Exchange Server 2010 must be installed with a SAN certificate. SAN stands for Subject Alternative Names and is a type of SSL certificate that has an attribute that stores additional names for the SSL certificate to apply to. For example, here is the certificate used to secure Outlook Web App for Microsoft.

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