Is hypospadias the same as chordee?

Is hypospadias the same as chordee?

Chordee is a birth defect in boys in which the penis is bent during an erection, which even infants can experience. Males with chordee often have hypospadias, a condition where the opening of the urethra tube through which urine passes is located on the underside of the penis rather than at the tip.

What does chordee look like?

The most visible symptom of chordee is a sharp curve of the penis, either upward or downward. This curve can start anywhere from the base of the penis near the testicles to the beginning of the glans. If you also have hypospadias, your urine may splash or go in an unintended direction when you urinate.

Which is a complication that may develop in the child with hypospadias with chordee?

Fistula. After hypospadias and/or chordee surgery, your child may experience a leak of urine from somewhere in the new urethra. This is called a fistula. If your child’s repair was simple, the risk of fistula is low; however, more complex repairs carry a higher risk of fistula.

What does a Hypospadia look like?

Signs and symptoms of hypospadias may include: Opening of the urethra at a location other than the tip of the penis. Downward curve of the penis (chordee) Hooded appearance of the penis because only the top half of the penis is covered by foreskin.

Can you have hypospadias and chordee at the same time?

Although hypospadias is not considered an inherited disorder, it does seem to occur more often than normal in some families. Chordee is a bending of the penis. It is noticeable during an erection. It can occur alone, or it can be seen in combination with hypospadias.

What does it mean when an infant has hypospadias?

Hypospadias is usually accompanied with other health issues. One is called chordee, which means the penis curves downward. Also, an infant’s foreskin is sometimes not complete when he has hypospadias. Other times, however, the foreskin is fine and hypospadias is only discovered after a circumcision.

What are the risks of hypospadias and chordee surgery?

Complications 1 Bleeding. Any time you have an operation, even a minor one, there is a risk of bleeding. 2 Infection. All surgeries carry the risk of infection. 3 Bladder spasms. When people have indwelling catheters, they may experience bladder spasms. 4 Fistula. After hypospadias and/or chordee surgery, your child may experience a leak…

How does hypospadias and chordee affect sexual sensation?

Hypospadias does not inhibit sexual sensation or orgasm. Some parents ask whether plastic surgery to correct hypospadias and/or chordee will damage erotic sensation. Fortunately, corrective plastic surgery of the penis or testicles will not normally inhibit erotic sensation or the ability to reach orgasm.

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