How do I put a link on my website?

How do I put a link on my website?

To insert a web link:Type the text you want to use for the link.Highlight the text.Click , Insert Hyperlink.In URL of linked page or file field, type in the URL for the site to which you are linking (if external). Select an Anchor, if desired. Type a Title. Click Insert.

How do I email my CV to HR?

The best tips for emailing a resume to an employer:Follow the directions from the job ad. Attach your resume and a cover letter in the proper format. Find the hiring manager’s name and email address. Use a strong subject line. Make your resume email short. Finish with a call to action.

How do you include an attachment in a formal letter?

When sending an attachment, include the word, “Attachment” on the bottom left side of the letter with a semi-colon and the number of the attachment. You should also mention in the body of the letter that an item is attached (or multiple items are attached) that enhance or further explain information in the letter .

How do you reference an attachment in a legal document?

Complete the legal document to determine where to attach the exhibit.Include a typed notation within the body of the legal document where the exhibit should be referenced. Label the exhibit with the assigned identifying number or letter. Insert a tab page at the end of the legal document.

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