What are some English abbreviations?

What are some English abbreviations?

Here is a list of some common abbreviations and acronyms that English people use:

  • Aka – ‘Also Known As’
  • ASAP – ‘As Soon As possible’
  • BBL – ‘Be Back Later’
  • BFN – ‘Bye For Now’
  • BRB – ‘Be Right back’
  • BTW – ‘By the way’
  • DIY – ‘Do It Yourself’
  • ETA – ‘Estimated Time of Arrival’

What are some popular abbreviations?

Common text abbreviations

  • ROFL: Rolling on floor laughing.
  • STFU: Shut the *swear word!* up.
  • ICYMI: In case you missed it.
  • TL;DR: Too long, didn’t read.
  • LMK: Let me know.
  • NVM: Nevermind.
  • TGIF: Thank goodness it’s Friday.
  • TBH: To be honest.

How do you do a list of abbreviations in word?

Press the “Alt,” “Shift” and “X” key on the keyboard at the same time. This will bring up the Index options. Click “Mark” to save the abbreviation. Repeat the process for each abbreviation you want to add to the list.

What are examples of abbreviations?

An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase, such as “Jan.” for “January.” The abbreviated form of the word “abbreviation” is “abbr.”—or, less commonly, “abbrv.” or “abbrev.” Abbreviation comes from the Latin word brevis meaning “short.”

What are the most common abbreviations?

Many of the common abbreviations used in text messaging are shortened versions of expressions, such as AAMOF for “as a matter of fact” IMHO for “in my humble opinion,” or PLMK for please let me know.”. Other common terms include: BBS: Be back soon. BBT: Be back tomorrow. BIB: Boss is back.

What are some examples of abbreviations?

The definition of an abbreviation is a shortened form of something. An example of an abbreviation is PA, which is a shortened form of Pennsylvania. YourDictionary definition and usage example. “Abbreviation.”.

What are some acronym words?

Here are some common acronyms used in government and military settings. True acronyms that are pronounced as words have been bolded: ASAP – As Soon As Possible. AWOL – Absent Without Leave. CIA – Central Intelligence Agency. CPS – Child Protective Services.

What is the abbreviation for English language?

The English language occasionally uses the apostrophe mark ‘ to show that a word is written in a shorter way, but some abbreviations do not use this mark. More often, they use periods, especially the ones that come from the Latin language. Common Latin abbreviations include i.e. [id est] that is, e.g.

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