What colloid goiter means?

What colloid goiter means?

Definition: Colloid nodular goiter is the enlargement of an otherwise normal thyroid gland. Alternative Names: Endemic goiter. Causes, incidence, and risk factors: When the thyroid gland is unable to make enough thyroid hormone, it may attempt to compensate by enlarging.

What is physiological goitre?

Enlarged thyroid A goiter (GOI-tur) is an abnormal enlargement of your thyroid gland. Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck just below your Adam’s apple. Although goiters are usually painless, a large goiter can cause a cough and make it difficult for you to swallow or breathe.

Is colloid goiter cancerous?

Colloid nodules: These are one or more overgrowths of normal thyroid tissue. These growths are benign (not cancer). They may grow large, but they do not spread beyond the thyroid gland.

Can a colloid thyroid nodule become cancerous?

Most nodules are cysts filled with fluid or with a stored form of thyroid hormone called colloid. Solid nodules have little fluid or colloid and are more likely to be cancerous. Still, most solid nodules are not cancer.

Is colloid goiter normal?

Colloid goitres are a common, benign lesion of the thyroid gland, that involve a diffuse or nodular pattern.

What is the function of colloid in thyroid gland?

The follicles are lined with follicular cells and are filled with a fluid known as colloid that contains the prohormone thyroglobulin. The follicular cells contain the enzymes needed to synthesize thyroglobulin, as well as the enzymes needed to release thyroid hormone from thyroglobulin.

Are goiters life threatening?

Multinodular goiters do increase your chance of developing thyroid cancer, but they can be treated with medication, radioactive iodine, or surgery depending on the type, if necessary. While they can cause or be related to other conditions, typically multinodular goiters themselves aren’t a life-threatening condition.

What are the hallmarks of dyshormonogenetic goiter?

Histologic hallmarks are markedly hypercellular nodules with papillary hyperplasia, absence of colloid, frequent internodular bizarre cells and bridging fibrosis Also known as inherited congenital / familial goiter and congenital / sporadic goitrous cretinism (more vague terms)

Which is an important feature of colloid goitre?

An important feature of colloid goitre is the contained colloid material inside and the comet-tail artefacts, which show up on ultrasound. However, some cases of colloid goitre do not show a comet-tail sign and sometimes these artefacts need to be distinguished from microcalcifications in malignant lesions.

Can a nodular goiter be a neoplasm?

Follicular patterned lesions (nodular goiter, follicular adenoma, follicular variant of papillary carcinoma, follicular carcinoma and noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features (NIFTP)) have overlapping cytomorphologic features and cannot be accurately distinguished by fine needle aspiration alone

Which is the best description of multinodular goiter?

Multinodular goiter: irregular enlargement of thyroid gland due to repeated episodes of hyperplasia and involution (degeneration) of simple goiter Thyroid gland often 100 g or more; may resemble a neoplasm, particularly if a single firm dominant nodule is present.

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