Is it possible to generate a share on Facebook link that opens the native Facebook app on Android iOS mobile instead of the Web Share dialog?

Is it possible to generate a share on Facebook link that opens the native Facebook app on Android iOS mobile instead of the Web Share dialog?

Just for completeness: In native apps on iOS and Android it is possible to link to the Facebook app directly if the user has the Facebook app installed. See sharing from iOS or android.

How do you share a Facebook post on your website?

Steps to Share Your Website to Facebook:

  1. Pick a page or blog post to share.
  2. Click on your “Share on Facebook” button.
  3. Decide if you want to share your article to your personal profile, fan page, or in a group.
  4. Write a little note to go along with your post and click “Post to Facebook”

How can I share my dynamic content on Facebook from my website?

1 Answer

  1. Add this in html head section:
  2. Add this in script:

What is Facebook Post link?

Link posts give your audience a massive clickable area that sends them to your website but there are still some users who don’t know where to click. When you post your link to Facebook from your page, leave the link in place after the preview appears.

How to create a Facebook share link on your page?

Creating a Facebook share link on your page 1 Go to the page you wish to add the link to. 2 Click on Add an element> HTML. A generic element will appear. 3 Click on Edit HTML, a ‘Raw HTML Settings’ box will open. 4 Paste the code below to the box and click OK. 5 The element will now appear as text “share on Facebook”.

How to create a web sharing dialog for Facebook?

If a plugin doesn’t work for your site, you also have the option of opening our dialogs directly. You will create a button on your site and call the dialog. Most commonly, you will use either: Share dialog, which gives people the most flexibility. They can choose where they want to share, including in groups and private messages on Messenger

How to use SHARE button in Facebook plugin?

The absolute URL of the page that will be shared. XFBML and HTML5 versions default to the current URL. Selects one of the different layouts that are available for the plugin. Can be one of box_count, button_count, button. If set to true, the share button will open the share dialog in an iframe (instead of a popup) on top of your website on mobile.

How are shares and likes linked on Facebook?

All shares and likes are tied to a specific URL (what we call a canonical URL). Changing the site structure to use new URLs will therefore begin attributing likes and shares to that new URL. Please see Preserve Engagement Metrics for more information. Was this answer helpful? Yes No I migrated to HTTPS, and now all my shares/likes are gone.

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