What is the treatment for obstetric cholestasis?

What is the treatment for obstetric cholestasis?

Taking a prescription drug called ursodiol (Actigall, Urso, Urso Forte), which helps to lower the level of bile in your blood. Other medications to relieve itching may also be an option. Soaking itchy areas in cool or lukewarm water.

How can obstetric cholestasis be improved?

Obstetric cholestasis may cause a problem with the clotting mechanism of your blood, making you prone to bleed for longer than usual. Vitamin K can help with this change. If your blood clotting time is prolonged, it is recommended that you take a daily dose of vitamin K to prevent complications if you start to bleed.

How do you treat cholestasis?

What is the treatment for cholestasis of pregnancy?

  1. Topical anti-itch medications or medication with corticosteroids.
  2. Medication to decrease the concentration of bile acids such as ursodeoxycholic acid.
  3. Cold baths and ice water slow down the flow of blood in the body by decreasing the temperature.

What can you eat with obstetric cholestasis?

To reduce the risk of cholestasis and other problems during pregnancy, it is important to follow a healthful, balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Organic produce is less likely to be affected by pesticides and other toxins.

Which is the best guideline for obstetric cholestasis?

Obstetric Cholestasis (Green-top Guideline No. 43) This guideline summarises the evidence for the fetal risks associated with obstetric cholestasis and provides guidance on the different management choices and the options available for its treatment. This is the second edition of this guideline.

Where can I find the RCOG cholestasis leaflet?

This patient information leaflet was developed by the RCOG Patient Information Committee. It’s based on the RCOG clinical guideline Obstetric Cholestasis, which contains a full list of all the evidence used to develop the guidance.

When to use rifampicin in refractory obstetric cholestasis?

The decision to prescribe rifampicin must be made by a consultant obstetrician only. Due to limited evidence for use, rifampicin is considered a last line agent for the management of refractory cases of obstetric cholestasis. Weekly LFTs are essential when on rifampicin due to risk of hepatic dysfunction.

What are the guidelines for obstetrics and gynaecology?

The RCOG produces guidelines as an aid to good clinical practice. Our guidelines present recognised methods and techniques for clinical practice, based on published evidence, for consideration by obstetricians/gynaecologists and other relevant health professionals. Find out more about the different types of guideline we publish.

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