What should be included in the documentation of a venous stasis ulcer?

What should be included in the documentation of a venous stasis ulcer?

Document wound size, appearance, location, condition of surrounding skin, presence and characteristics of exudate, and signs and symptoms of infection.

How are venous stasis ulcers classified?

Classification has four components: clinical manifestation, etiologic factors, anatomic distribution, and pathophysiologic dysfunction. Severity has four components: the number of anatomic segments affected, the grading of signs and symptoms, and disability.

How do you dress a venous stasis ulcer?

Compression therapy, in the form of bandages or stockings, is considered to be the cornerstone of venous leg ulcer management. Dressings are applied underneath bandages or stockings with the aim of protecting the wound and providing a moist environment to aid healing.

What is the gold standard for the treatment of venous ulcers?

Graduated compression therapy is the recognised gold standard for the treatment of venous ulcers, usually in the form of four-layer bandaging. Unfortunately with some patients the bulkiness of the bandages leads to non-compliance.

How is venous ulcer diagnosed?

Arterial pulse examination and measurement of ankle-brachial index are recommended for all patients with suspected venous ulcers. Color duplex ultrasonography is recommended in patients with venous ulcers to assess for venous reflux and obstruction.

What does venous stasis ulcer look like?

Commonly located on the ankle or calf, venous stasis ulcers are painful and red in color but may be covered with a yellow, fibrous tissue and an irregular border. Drainage and discharge are possible with venous stasis ulcers. This type of ulcer is common in patients with a history of leg swelling or varicose veins.

What is a status ulcer?

A stasis ulcer is an open sore that appears on the skin, typically resulting from fluid building up underneath the skin. Most stasis ulcers appear on the inner part of a person’s lower leg, usually slightly above the ankle.

What is the treatment for venous ulcers?

Compression therapy is the main treatment for venous skin ulcers. If you have a venous skin ulcer, your doctor may first want to reduce the buildup of fluid in your lower leg.

What is a non healing venous ulcer?

Non Healing Ulcers. Any ulcer or open wound on the skin existing for more than 3-4 weeks, and is not healing is known as non-healing ulcer. There is an array of non-healing ulcers in which pressure ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers and venous leg ulcers are most common.

What are the symptoms of venous leg ulcers?

The affected area may also be accompanied by the following symptoms: inflammation swelling aching itchy, hardened skin scabbing or flaking brown or black stained skin discharge

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